Promoting biodiversity

Our grounds are maintained to encourage wildlife, including pollinators and birds, to flourish. Promoting biodiversity is an integral part of our overall Estates Strategy and we understand the clear connection between the natural environment and the wellbeing of our people.  

Some of our key commitments include: 

  • Identifying opportunities to increase green, cooling and absorbent spaces in response to climate change 
  • Seeking to reduce the use of synthetic chemical herbicides on campus 
  • Increasing the quality and quantity of existing green spaces and achieving a 10% increase in urban green space by 2028 (compared to 2018 levels) 
  • Achieving zero reportable pollution incidents to air, land and water across the University estate 

Find out more about our commitment to valuing nature in Our Sustainable Future (PDF, 4.7MB) or in our Biodiversity Audit (PDF, 11.2MB). 

Winter on campus


Our Tree Trail  

We have developed an interactive tree trail for colleagues, students and the local community to enjoy that has a variety of trees, an abundance of wildlife and glimpses of our heritage to explore. 


Nature Positive Universities Scheme

Manchester is one of 117 universities from 44 countries to make a pledge to start a journey towards becoming nature positive. 

The Nature Positive Universities Alliance, set up by the University of Oxford and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), will help to advance efforts to halt, prevent and reverse nature loss through addressing their own individual impacts and restoring ecosystems harmed by their activities.

The pledge includes four key elements:

  • Carrying out baseline biodiversity assessments.
  • Setting specific, time limited and measureable targets for nature.
  • Taking bold action to reduce biodiversity impacts, protect and restore species and ecosystems, while influencing others to do the same.
  • Transparent annual reporting.

Read the full Nature Positive Universities Pledge (Word Doc, 831KB).

Our policies 

  • SDG 3 graphic

    Goal 3

  • SDG 15 graphic

    Goal 15